Thursday 13 October 2011

Poster Questionnaire (pre-release)

Before creating my poster, I feel it is neccesary to do market research and find out what conventions the audience find in posters. Hres how the questionnaire turned out:

1. In all film posters, what things do you expect to always see?

Images (Stars/Characters, Scenes from the film)
Quotations from magazines/newspapers reviews (showing target audience)
Release Date (Sometimes vague e.g. ‘Coming Next Summer’)
The title (always the biggest text on poster)
Logos of companies involved in making the film

Images of stars
Eye Candy (Male or Female/Explosions/Action)
Star Ratings
Credits / Billing
Sound Logos
Mise-en-scene (referencing genre)

2. In terms of the thriller genre. what things do you always expect to see on a poster?

Tagline - directly addressing the audience
Urban setting - e.g. City of London
Mise-en-scene associated with the genre. e.g. use of guns
The tagline is sometimes a red colour
Characters often have an indirect mode of address.

Side Lighting on characters.
Canted framing
Actors that are associated with the genre are used.

Muted colour scheme.
Formal clothes
Bold font is used for the title and tagline.

Characters chasing / running.
High angles

I will use these results along with my research to create a conventional poster both in terms of the genre, and all film posters.

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