Saturday 1 October 2011

Teaser Trailer Analysis

To help me make my own teaser trailer, I have to look at examples of trailers to find the conventions of teaser trailers. I looked at is Kung Fu Panda 2.

  • Dreamworks Logo at the beggining of the trailer.
  • Very little narrative information
  • "Next Summer" release date at the beggining of the trailer. It is vague as it is very near the beggining of the marketing campaign.
  • There is a voice over man, clarifying when the film is roughly going to be released and narrating.
  • There are impact sounds in between scenes and when the taglines appear.
  • Tagline - "Prepare for the return... Of awseomeness". This is also a reference to the last film. In my experience of film, it is sequals and big franchises that use this in trailers as they have the awareness of the film from the previous film.
  • The title of the film "Kung Fu Panda 2"
  • The music is 'Kung Fu Fighting', which represents the genre, as it is a film about martial arts.
  • The star of the film 'Jack Black', is shown as text in the trailer and the voice over man emphasises his involvement.
  • At the end of the trailer we see a more detailed relase date, 'May 2011'.
  • We also see the website address -
  • On this shot we see the 'Dreamworks' and 'Paramount' logo at the bottom of the screen.
  • The trailer ends with the Paramount production company logo.

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