Monday 3 October 2011

Mainstream Magazine Analysis

Now I have chosen what type of publication my magazine will be, I will analyse hte layout and content of examples of this type of publication.

  • Image of character for hollywood film
  • Special 'sci-fi' feature
  • Emotive taglines - "How summer's biggest superhero went to war"
  • Banner - Advertising an exclusive on the 'Avenger' pictured in the Image.
  • The Background picture is also an image representing to film character, not the actor.
  • Reference to other parts of the magazine: All of the advertisement is for films that are of the same sort of genre - e.g. Spiderman.
  • Different colour fonts
  • Barcode
  • Issue
  • Price
  • Block font - capitals
  • Large fonts

  • Image of character
  • Exclusive of film that character is in
  • Background image of film
  • 'Oscars' feature - mainstream acting awards
  • Taglines to do with film and magazine - 'The Worlds Biggest Movie Magazine'
  • Reviews
  • Barcode
  • Issue
  • Price
  • Advertising articles of famous films - Ghostbusters 3, The Wrestler etc.
  • Block fonts
  • Large fonts
  • Easy colour scheme

  • Image of character from film
  • Banner advertising a special feature on world famous director
  • Special pull-out of feature film
  • Feature on film
  • Taglines on the feature film
  • Block font
  • Price
  • Easy colour scheme
  • Taglines - magazine and feature
  • Barcode
  • Issue

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