Tuesday 11 October 2011

Magazine Questionnaire

To get an insight into what ordinary people see in magazines, I created a questionnaire. A sample of people ranging from different ages and genders took the survey. This is how it turned out.

1. What content do you expect to find in a film magazine?

Features - discussions, pictures etc.

2. What sort of things do you expect to see on a front cover of a film magazine?

Images of the stars
Images of characters
Large banner(s)
Names of the films in the magazine
Barcode / Issue / Price
References to stars, directors or films
References to posters or competitions
The Masthead

3. In What way does the design of the magazine persuade you to buy the publication?

Big, bold title of magazine (masthead)
Big, often colourful banners
Big stars as the central image
Eye Candy
Exclusives referred to obviously on the front
Good colour scheme

4. In what way does the layout persuade you to buy the publication?

Clear structure
Not cluttered
Masthead the biggest text
The taglines in line with each other
No overlapping

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