Saturday 10 December 2011

Focus Group -Tagline

I conducted a focus group on my taglines. I took a sample of 34 people, mainly those who were male aged 17-30 as this is my target audience. However, I involved women and other ages to broaden my demographic.

  • 'What would you do if you were part of their plan?' - 5
  • 'Time to go off plan' - 3 (Was said to be too action like)
  • 'What if you were part of something bigger?' - 5
  • 'Run while you still can' - 4.3
  • 'The crime is just the beginning' - 2 (was said to be the wrong type of thriller)
  • 'They will control you' - 6.3
  • 'We are all targets' - 6.8
  • 'Don't be part of their plan' - 7.3
  • 'Take control of your destiny' - 4.5
The top 3 taglines that were chosen were 'They will control you' (6.3), 'We are all targets' (6.8), 'Don't be part of their plan' (7.3). I will consider the results when making my final decision in the next coming days.

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