Sunday 18 March 2012

Shooting Schedule

First Day of Shooting: Saturday 10th March

9.00am - 13.00pm: In this morning I got the shots of the people getting infected. I also got the shots of the protagonist running across the bridge.

14.00pm - 18.00pm: I got the shots in the car of the protagonist and the antagonist.

Second Day of Shooting: Sunday 11th March

8.00am - 14.00pm: Here I got the fighting scenes and the interrogation scenes.

15.00pm - 18.00pm: In this time period I got the shots of the protagonist and his girlfriend

Last day of filming: Saturday 17th March

10.00am - 13.00pm: I got the running shots, and the shots of the protagonist getting infected.

I now had all of my shots.

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