Friday 24 February 2012

List of Props and Costumes


  • Newspaper - read by the man at the begging to show his normality
  • Headphones - for the teen at the begging who is affected while listening to music
  • Gun - used by the antagonist to reflect threat and fear
  • Sunglasses - worn by the antagonist to show his anonymity.
  • Earpiece - used by the antagonist to show that he is being ordered by a higher power
  • Coffee pot - used in the fight scene by the protagonist to fight the antagonist with 
  • Car - protagonist is held in the car captive, and the antagonist is in it in the trailer


  • White long shirt t-shirt with jeans and trainers - represents the fact that the protagonist is just a normal guy.
  • The antagonist is wearing a suit, matching with the convnetions of thriller trailers that I researched.
  • The girl friend of the protagonist is wearing a short sleeve top and shorts which again shows how they are no different to you and me.
  • The people being infected at the begging are meant to represent normal people being infected so the man at the begging is wearing a hoody reading a newspaper, with the two younger boys wearing jumpers as well.

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